
780 BCE The Elve and the Fay create the nation of Avalon.


780 – 447 BCE

Preceded by

Ancient England

Succeeded by

Spiral Goddess, one of saved symbols of the Avalon Era.

700 BCE Britonia,Welsh and Cornish was friends with Avalon for 80 year’s.

Trade,farming and magic teaching ruled Ancient England. one day however a man named Osbert killed a Elve and the welsh sent him to the Fay’s to apologize. the Fay court did not punished Osbert because it was proven that it was the elve who was the villain of the story. this started a idea that Avalon was more friendly to humans next to the Elves.

699 – 600 BCE The Elve – Human Hunting Year’s.

After Osbert , Humans began to hunt Elves by the end of 699 and slowly in 698 and slowly until 662 Hunting quests were organized in villages and since 661 the elves returned the Hunting as well until 600 a non-declared civil war ruled Ancient England.

600 – 599 BCE The Elve – Human War

The events of the previous 100 years lead to a mass grave of Elves in Cornish lands, The Elves gathered a army and raged a war in Cornish lands killing more than 1,000 humans. in today Falmouth a great battle took place with 2,000 elves and 2,000 humans a battle than only a single druid survived and when he went to the nearby village died there.

After that battle of the 4,000 dead Avalon was forced to create a law and unite in the penalty of death the Humans and the Elves.

585 – 450 BCE Welsh and Cornish began exploring the lands below England (France,Germany) and merged with native people and Hallstatt Latene culture. this created a no named culture empire the Celts. The Hallstatt culture developed into the La Tène culture from about 450 BCE, which came to be identified with Celtic art, and Celticisation began.

448 BCE with the Celts busy with trade Britonia,Welsh and Cornish changed and Albion was created.

447 BCE Avalon joined Albion creating a united new nation in Ancient England with 1st Ruler Alba.

Writers note

The historical events above are rooted in historical scholarship, maybe anti-roman propaganda.

One can refer to the works below for details, however there is no actual archaeological evidence about the elve-human war.

  1. The Annals and The Histories by Tacitus
  2. The City of God by “Saint” Augustine
  3. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
  4. The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede

These sources encompass a range of genres, including historical chronicles, philosophical treatises, and literary works, offering diverse perspectives on Western history from antiquity to the early modern period.

Roman Empire era sources might include mythological studies, and anti-roman civilization propaganda. It’s important to approach these sources with a critical eye, as they often contain elements of fiction and allegory rather than literal historical fact.

Overall, the text above is as historical it possible can be, based on archaeology and not on mythical elements despite the writers originally accepted narratives.

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