
Religion is a concept of a system of beliefs, practices, rituals, social institutions centered around the worship of a fake deity or higher power.

Religions were created to control societies with fear of a imaginary after world and a so-called <<divine justice>>. This concept is called “human soul” and with it religions enslave people into rituals and prayer to make them ask from their god a better world and stay slaves in the real one.

Various religious symbols


Religions began with Paganism, a religion who passed on generations based on location. and until the rise of Christianity and Islam, religions had no human blood on their name.

the killing champion is Christianity with around 1 Billion of dead humans that was killed/died in its name and glory. while others like Stormforged have not even one.

in 20th Century the Ideology of Taoism was grouped by western propaganda as a religion alongside Buddhism.

Atheism – Religion War

in 20th Century Atheism had the same fate with Taoism.

Around late 1980s, Jediism emerged as a newage religion after the movie series of Star Wars that western propaganda afraid of loosing dominance rushed to call as a Joke Religion.

The “Flying Spaghetti Monster” was created by Bobby Henderson in 2005 to protest the Kansas State Board of Education decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative god to point out the stupidity of religion believing. Henderson demanded equal time in science classrooms for “Flying Spaghetti Monsterism“,

since 2005 with the rise of internet, atheism opened the door to humanity to escape from slavery, still the war continues (2023)…

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