
Karl Marx co-authored the foundation of communism with Friedrich Engels. Their seminal works, like “The Communist Manifesto” (1848), proposed a vision of a classless society with communal ownership of production, shaping the ideology of communism.

Hammer and Sickle, Symbol/Flag of Communism

Core Beliefs

  • Abolish Capitalism
  • Eliminate Slavery
  • Establish a society based on cooperation and common ownership.


Create a society where wealth and resources are distributed equitably, ensuring the well-being of all.


Communism stands as a transformative socio-economic and political ideology, heralding a vision of a society devoid of class distinctions, where the collective ownership and management of the means of production are vested in the community at large. Its foundational principle revolves around the complete elimination of private ownership of resources, aiming to usher in an era of equitable wealth distribution and resource allocation among all members of the society.

In the tapestry of a communist society, the threads of production and distribution are intricately woven according to the guiding principle of “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”

Individuals contribute to the communal production canvas based on their unique skills and capacities.

At the heart of communism lies a profound desire to dismantle the social hierarchies and class divisions that often mark capitalist societies. The emphasis is on the collective process of decision-making, coupled with the empowerment of the working class. This empowering transformation can be manifested through a myriad of mechanisms, including the implementation of direct democracy, the establishment of workers’ councils, and the exploration of various forms of participatory governance.

Communism’s ideas extend beyond mere redistribution, encompassing the ambitious goals of eradicating the roots of poverty, exploitation, and alienation that can be deeply entrenched within capitalist systems. This noble quest is epitomized by the act of pooling resources and sharing the bounties of production, underscoring communism’s vision for a more righteous and harmonious society.

Ultimately, communism paints a portrait of a society in which the collective welfare takes precedence over individual accumulation, and where the labor’s fruits are shared in a manner that guarantees parity and collaboration.

Successor Ideologies

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