
The Great King Gilgamesh was Born around late May of 2,677 BCE. Gilgamesh gave Humanity Freedom.

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Early Years

After the Fourth Babylonian War the great king, Gilgamesh, was born around late May of 2677 BCE.

The streets of Babylon echoed with the sounds of merchants hawking exotic goods from distant lands and skilled artisans crafting magnificent treasures. Marketplaces teemed with activity, filled with people haggling over prices and examining fine works of artistry.

Architectural marvels, including majestic temples and grandiose palaces, towered over the bustling thoroughfares, reminding all who gazed upon them of the might and splendor of the Babylonian empire.

Gilgamesh’s parents were Urshula and Naram-Sin. Urshula was a gentle and kind-hearted woman, known for her grace and wisdom, while Naram-Sin was a formidable warrior with a strong sense of honor.

Gilgamesh’s early years were marked by tragedy when his mother, Urshula, fell victim to a ruthless thief who had infiltrated their humble home. The thief’s actions left young Gilgamesh motherless and filled their home with grief. Naram-Sin, his father, was devastated by the loss of his beloved wife and took it upon himself to seek justice.

In a fierce confrontation, Naram-Sin confronted the thief, who had already caused so much pain to their family. In a battle of strength and determination, Naram-Sin defeated the criminal and brought him to justice, ensuring that he could never harm another innocent. This act of bravery and justice instilled in Gilgamesh a profound sense of honor, duty, and the importance of standing up for what is right.

As Gilgamesh grew, he proved to be a diligent and inquisitive young man. He worked in various trades, including carpentry and farming, to support his family. Gilgamesh also showed a keen interest in education, eagerly studying the arts of writing and mathematics, which were highly valued in Babylon.

In his teenage years, Gilgamesh became known as a skilled bear hunter, venturing into the wilderness to protect his fellow villagers from these formidable creatures. His bravery and proficiency with a bow and arrow earned him respect among the people of Babylon.

Tragedy struck again when Naram-Sin, passed away. With his father’s guidance and the lessons of honor and courage he had instilled in him, Gilgamesh decided to pursue a new path. He embarked on a rigorous training regimen, honing his combat skills to become an arena warrior.

It was during this time, when Gilgamesh was 24 years old, that he faced the ultimate challenge: a fearsome dragon that was undefeated in the Arena for years. Armed with his unwavering determination, the combat skills he had developed, and the spirit of honor passed down by his parents, Gilgamesh, stood against the dragon in the arena of Babylon. This legendary battle would forever change the course of his life, Giglamesh slayed the dragon, earning the title of King of Babylon on human side.

Athena Barbelo reached Gilgamesh and with a kiss made him immortal after this event In 2,641 BCE.


King Gilgamesh engaged in a God versus Men friendly battle with Raphael Barbelo. As punishment for Gilgamesh’s cruelty Anu Barbelo created a wild man named Enkidu to challenge Gilgamesh. Shamhat Barbelo tamed Enkidu, and the two men eventually became close friends.

One day, Metatron summoned Gilgamesh to his chambers, demanding he hand over the Immortal lover of him, Afrodite to satiate his sexual desires. Gilgamesh refused his demands. Metatron imprisoned him.

Metatron Without warning, summoned every man within earshot to strip down and fuck Afrodite. Any who resisted faced swift death at Metatron’s hand.

The Next Day while Metatron was busy creating a larger hall for his new sexual orgy, Gilgamesh managed to escape from his imprisonment and stole Afrodite, placing her under the guard of 100 loyal men in exile in the Minoan Empire, ruled by King Midas Barbelo.

After rescuing Afrodite,Gilgamesh and Enkidu plotted to assassinate Metatron and the Barbelos.

Metatron’s Hunt

In 2602 BCE, Metatron summoned forth a legion of aeons and charged them with tracking down Gilgamesh and capturing him once again. With ruthless efficiency, his heavenly host scoured the earth, relentlessly pursuing the rebellious king until they caught up with him in the land of Canaan.

Metatron’s aeon army marched ever closer to Gilgamesh’s location, bent on eradicating the source of unrest and ushering in a new era of divine supremacy.

In response Gilgamesh focused his efforts on bolstering his own resistance movement.

Recruits flocked to his cause, inspired by visions of liberation and a future guided by compassion rather than caprice. Together, they began building fortifications and training for the coming conflict, ready to defend their values with everything they had.

Ziusudra, too, threw himself into this struggle alongside Athena and Inanna. The years following King Gilgamesh’s initial challenge against Metatron were filled with unprecedented strife and violence across Mesopotamia. While Metatron and his aeons focused on maintaining control over the region, Gilgamesh continued to seek ways to gain advantage in what was quickly escalating into an all-out war. He spent countless hours studying ancient artifacts and seeking guidance from scholars such as Urshanabi.

In secret meetings under the pretext of diplomacy, Metatrons Council hatched plans to bolster their influence among the various city states and tribes. Each member was given specific assignments designed to exploit local weaknesses and foment internal discord. Among these tasks, Apsu was tasked with spreading dissent within Uruk while Dumuzi assumed the role of strategic adviser to neighboring kingdoms. Meanwhile, Enlil established religious shrines and erected towering ziggurats, promising blessings and protection from his divinity. All these efforts served to further entrench the power of the aeons.

Gilgamesh, however, refused to sit idly by. Recognizing the need for greater military prowess, he recruited skilled fighters from diverse backgrounds, including Kishite soldiers, Lullubian archers, and Hurrian charioteers. These valiant warriors formed the core of a new, multinational force called the Order of Oversoul. This group became renowned for its tactical flexibility, adaptability, and unparalleled bravery. Commanded by Enkidu, the Order wielded advanced weaponry, like obsidian glaives and iron greaves, crafted using forbidden techniques discovered in antediluvian ruins scattered throughout Hera’s Kingdom.

Mesopotamia War

As tensions mounted, sporadic conflicts flared up between Gilgamesh’s troops and Metatron’s enforcers. In several pitched battles, neither side emerged victorious due to the high degree of training and proficiency displayed by the opposing forces. Nonetheless, minor losses and injuries accumulated,as news of Gilgamesh’s triumph spread across Mesopotamia, the Aeons grew restless and fearful. The defeat of their champion’s,had left a deep wound in their collective psyche, driving them into panicked strategic planning sessions behind closed doors.

Meanwhile, Gilgamesh dedicated his efforts toward fortifying his army, recruiting talented artisans and mages.

Inanna Barbelo too began gearing up for what she suspected would come: a full-scale assault by the Aeon army. She traveled extensively through Sumer, meeting with various leaders to form alliances and coordinate strategy. One such critical partnership was struck with Nimrod, the mighty warrior-king who ruled much of Mesopotamia with an iron fist. Together, they promised to resist the Aeonic aggressors at every turn, drawing upon their combined resources to give each other strength and support.

Gilgamesh anticipated that the coming storm would prove unavoidable and devastating. To buy some additional breathing room, he undertook risky diplomatic missions to neighboring kingdoms, hoping to win their allegiance or neutrality before the fighting commenced. Some, like Kish and Assur, responded positively, while others remained stubbornly independent or refused outright. These latter states would soon regret their choice, as the looming struggle enveloped all parties regardless of their wishes.

It wasn’t long before the first clash occurred. An Aeon force led by Anubis invaded northern territories along the Tigris, destroyed the army of Kish and buried the great city Nimr to the ground, Anubis and his army killed 3,000 people in one day.

As more battles unfolded between Metatron forces and the coalition of humans and rebel gods, both sides suffered heavy losses. Anbar, a prominent Elven state, fell victim to a surprise raid by the Anubis, leaving many dead and captured. Meanwhile, Enlil dispatched legions under Athena’s command to counterattack, only to have her forces decimated at the hands of Girtablulu Barbelo, further shaking her confidence.

Meanwhile,Gilgamesh journeyed from one allied stronghold to another, offering counsel and encouragement. At times, the strain seemed insurmountable. His best friend Huwawa perished during the defense of Eridu against Shamhat’s army.

Gilgamesh could never have imagined the scale of horror that the war between mankind and the Aeons dragged on relentlessly for decades.

Elleth Aeon

After bloody battles the war took an especially brutal turn when Metatron launched vicious attacks against Anubis,who had failed him,after Anubis death by the hands of Metatron Confusion reigned supreme, as former comrades-in-arms turned on each other with deadly vengeance.

Countless battles raged throughout Sumer, as Enlil called forth tempests to smite enemy armies, Adad hurled bolts of lightning indiscriminately, and Shamash blazed brightly above combatants engaged in hand-to-hand duels to the death. Meanwhile, heroes of renown arose on both sides, performing feats of valor that echoed through time immemorial.

As Gilgamesh was prepared,word reached him of a terrible threat, Elleth Aeon bent on dominating humanity through fear and oppression.

Unwilling to allow another innocent population to suffer under Elleth’s tyranny, Gilgamesh resolved to face this adversary alone, trusting neither Enkidu nor any other ally would prove equal to the task. With heavy heart, he set off towards Elleth’s domain, determined to end her cruel rule.

Upon arrival, he found himself locked in a duel with Elleth, for hours, they exchanged blow upon relentless blow until both combatants were bathed in sweat and tears. Yet despite his exhaustion, Gilgamesh pressed onward, driven by memories of loved ones lost and hope for those yet to be saved.

Just when victory seemed within reach, Elleth transformed into a monstrous creature of pure darkness, its tentacle-like appendages striking without warning or mercy.

Elleth began to gather a beam of fire to kill Gilgamesh and his followers. Athena stepped forward. Her wings unfurled like a tempest, cutting through the air with blinding speed before engulfing them all in a protective whirlwind. Glimpses of celestial energies swirled about, crackling like cosmic thunderbolts as the two dueled. Each strike was met with countermeasure, parry matched with riposte, until the entire area echoed with deafening detonations that roused even the most stalwart among them.

Athena wanted to save Gilgamesh and fought Elleth to give him time to escape. these actions proved pivotal. Distracted ever so briefly, Elleth permitted a sliver of vulnerability to enter her guard. In that fleeting instant, Elleth had taken captive Athena Barbelo.


Days after Elleth’s victorious return to Babylon, Ninshubul arrived in Sumer, home to the rebels of Gilgamesh and Inanna. And explained the dire situation unfolding in Babylon. Despite initial skepticism, Inanna and Ninshubul hatched a end Metatron’s tyranny and liberating Athena Barbelo from her terrible bondage.

And so In 2,129 BCE Inanna approached King Gilgamesh and gave him a new weapon, a sword created in the palace of Barbelo, with extraordinarily potent energy to enable its user to defeat even Barbelos.

Gilgamesh and Inanna led the charge into Babylon.

The battle commenced amidst pandemonium, with explosive magic showering the sky and titanic energies clashing headlong. Throughout, Inanna and co fought fiercely, refusing to relinquish ground until Athena walked free again. Finally, just as exhaustion threatened, Gilgamesh engaged Metatron one last time, wielding the sword granted by Inanna. To everyone’s surprise,Gilgamesh redoubled his fury, launching devastating strikes at Metatron. Each blow cut deeper into Metatrons body causing gouts of blood and divine essence to splatter about the ruined streets of Babylon.

Everyone stopped fighting and watched Gilgamesh killing Metatron. his wings faltered, dropping him to one knee, while his expression twisted from arrogance to pure terror. Fear had not visited him since his creation, but here he knelt, paralyzed by dread at the proximity of oblivion

Gilgamesh killing Metatron 18th century bce. Art -in Museum of Berlin. (stolen Art,it belongs to Iran)

Triumphantly seizing this opportunity, Gilgamesh raised his sword high above his head, ready to deal the final stroke. In the seconds before impact, the aeons and the barbelos watching froze in collective horror, Gilgamesh closed in on his target, poised to deliver the decisive strike. Time slowed to a crawl as his muscles flexed in preparation for the final blow. Any who dared witness this climactic moment held their breath, awestruck by the impending outcome of such divine retribution.

As the blade began its downward arc, casting a shadow across the broken landscape below, whispers spread among the defeated angels like autumn leaves carried by a breeze. The once-arrogant tyrants trembled before the prospect of losing their commander-in-chief, whose punishment was fast approaching. They knew full well they faced the wrath of Humanity if Metatron fell. Trepidation saturated the very air, filling it with palpable anxiety. Even their master sensed their looming demise, his eyes widening as his fate drew ever closer.

Suddenly, the earth itself rumbled, interrupting the stillness. An upheaval shook the planet’s surface, rocking everything in its grasp. The cacophony grew exponentially, shaking teeth loose in mortals’ skulls and prompting weaker souls to cower or flee outright. Those brave enough to witness the spectacle observed a strange phenomenon taking place: the entire area seemed to contract and swirl around the two opponents locked in deadly embrace.

The tremor peaked, pausing only briefly before reversing course and exploding outward in all directions. Like cosmic breath expelled after eons spent holding back secrets beyond human understanding, a burst of brilliant white light engulfed existence. Brighter than any star, sun, or moon combined, it blinded those fortunate enough not to perish in the initial maelstrom. When the effulgence finally dissipated, revealing the world once again, a radically altered scene greeted onlookers.

Gilgamesh after killing Metatron, taking advantage of the momentum and the confusion generated by the explosive flash, swiftly shifted his attention toward every Aeon and Barbelo present in the battlefield on Metatrons Side.

Caught off guard, many found themselves skewered by his sword, which pierced them effortlessly. Their essences dissipated along with their physical forms, leaving behind only smoking remnants scattered throughout the city’s ruins.Gilgamesh displayed no mercy, meting out brutal justice to each enemy warrior who opposed him.

Gilgamesh gazing triumphantly upon the field littered with vanquished enemies.

“It is done,”

he declared…

With Metatron defeated and his aeon forces shattered, Gilgamesh and his warriors seized the opportunity to take control of Babylon, bringing an end to the era of divine domination. As they asserted their authority over the city, Gilgamesh ordered a search for Elleth and other Arch-Aeons who had been instrumental in Metatron’s pursuit of him.

Led by Gilgamesh, his loyal warriors combed the remnants of Babylon, determined to apprehend Elleth and her fellow Arch-Aeons. Their relentless pursuit led them through the ruined streets and hidden passages of the once-great city. Elleth and her comrades, now without the protection of their fallen leader, found themselves surrounded and outnumbered.

In a swift and well-coordinated operation, Gilgamesh’s warriors captured Elleth and the other Arch-Aeons, subduing them and placing them in a secure jail within the city. The once-mighty defenders of Metatron now stood imprisoned, their power diminished in the aftermath of the battle.


In the wake of the grand celebration that engulfed Uruk for five days following the epic battle, there came a solemn and somber moment when the fate of Elleth Arch-Aeon was to be decided. The city, once filled with jubilation and joy, now gathered for a more sober purpose: to hold a justice court against Elleth and to reckon with the crimes she had committed.

As the people assembled, Athena, stepped forward to address the crowd. She spoke of the pain and humiliation she had endured and the need for justice to prevail. Her words resonated with many who had silently borne witness to the torment inflicted by Elleth and her Aeons.

Gilgamesh, spoke his desire for a public execution as punishment for Elleth’s actions. His anger and thirst for vengeance were palpable, and his words carried weight among the crowd.

However, Athena, countered Gilgamesh’s call for execution. She argued that a wise and just king should show mercy, even in the face of heinous crimes. She proposed an alternative punishment: the cutting of Elleth’s wings and imprisonment for a very long time.

The crowd listened intently, torn between the desire for retribution and the call for mercy. After much deliberation and debate, a decision was reached. Elleth Arch-Aeon would not face execution, but her wings would be severed, a symbolic act representing her loss of power and freedom. She would then be imprisoned for 3,000 years, a sentence meant to serve as both punishment and Justice.

Kingdom of Inanna

Inanna, and Gilgamesh hailed as champions of freedom and benefactors of humanity.

Three years passed in which Uruk flourished. Under the guidance of the Gilgamesh, advancements in technology, medicine, education, and culture spread throughout Mesopotamia, ushering in an era of progress and prosperity. Inanna’s Aeon’s taught humans sustainable farming techniques, irrigation systems, animal husbandry, soil management, natural resource conservation, astronomy, mathematics, literacy, artistry, and so much more. They encouraged responsible leadership, free thinking, scientific inquiry, social justice, and harmony between people, promoting unity across previously disparate tribes and nations.

The city of Uruk became a beacon of hope, fueled by trade and industry. Exploration, diplomacy, philosophy, and innovative problem solving marked this epoch as a golden age, thanks to the tutelage of Gilgamesh.

God Slayer

In the year 2126 BCE, Gilgamesh received intelligence of imminent danger looming close to home. 10 Barbelos, siblings of Inanna Barbelo, were gathering forces to reclaim Babylon – setting their sights on conquering the lands under Urukan jurisdiction.

Unwavering in his duty to protect his kingdom, Gilgamesh, armed with his Sword, alongside his companion Enkidu and the ever-watchful Inanna Barbelo, led a valiant charge against the Barbelos, resolute in defeating them once and for all. Amidst their arduous battle, however, an unexpected threat emerged: the formidable Bull of Heaven descended upon them, sending shockwaves through their ranks.

But Gilgamesh refused to cower before the daunting task at hand. With steely determination, he engaged the Bull of Heaven, fending off its savage attacks with skill and fortitude. His bravery ignited within Enkidu, and together, they vanquished the fearsome behemoth, standing victorious amidst the carnage.

Yet despite their triumph, Gilgamesh could only wonder if the tragic events leading up to the Bull of Heaven’s appearance had been orchestrated by a shadowy figure seeking to exact revenge. He knew that the road ahead remained fraught with danger yet brimming with possibility, demanding the utmost vigilance from him and humanity.

Immortality Removed

After many weeks Gilgamesh and Enkidu arrived in Babylon victorious, adorned with blood and the heads of the fallen Barbelos clutched tightly between their hands. The people rejoiced in their triumph, hailing Gilgamesh as a mighty champion worthy of admiration and respect.

It was a glorious day for mankind.

Inanna Barbelo, moved by Gilgamesh’s valor, approached him with an enticing proposal. She offered to become his queen and co-ruler over the domains of both mortals and Barbelos. It was a generous gift, promising great riches, wisdom, and enduring fame for him and future generations. Yet, Gilgamesh declined the proposal

β€œI will never became a monster like your kind,i am a human”

Gilgamesh said.

Inanna Barbelo fueled by betrayal and desire alike,driven by pangs of envy and jealous longing, she struck. she gave Enkidu, an unknown plague. As his friend suffered, Gilgamesh labored tirelessly alongside the best healers in all of Mesopotamia. However, try as they might, they could neither identify nor defeat whatever malevolent force corrupted Enkidu’s body. All the while, Inanna bided her time, watching from afar as her plan unfolded and the sickness slowly sapped the strength and vitality from Enkidu’s form. Only after his death she reveal herself once again before Gilgamesh.

“i killed Enkidu” she spoke softly, “And I am pleased, for now you understand my worth.” “But understand this, Gilgamesh, i am a Barbelo, and i dont like humans to say no to me”

Gilgamesh stood rooted, disbelieving. “No! You lie! This cannot be!”

“It is truth.” Inanna’s said. “I am done playing games with lesser creatures such as you. Now witness what happens to those who defy me.” Inanna slapped Gilgamesh in his mouth and said “you are immortal no longer.”

These words hit Gilgamesh harder than any physical blow, rendering him speechless. His mind struggled to process their implications as waves of emotional turmoil crashed against the shore of his consciousness. With each passing moment, the reality of his loss grew more acute, sending jolts of panic racing throughout his entire body.

Faced with the possibility of death, Gilgamesh retreated into Utnapishtim, hoping to find a cure. Utnapishtim listened intently, contemplating the young monarch’s dilemma while offering a seat beside him. With empathetic eyes fixed on Gilgamesh, the ancient man began sharing what he knew.

“O Gilgamesh,” Utnapishtim started,”This celestial power,It is known only to Barbelos, they are not meant for mortal use.”

As Gilgamesh heard this from Utnapishtim,one name kept recurring in his mind. Athena Barbelo.

Athena’s Trials

Gilgamesh visited Athena and despite her own personal torments, Athena harbored a soft spot for Gilgamesh.

As Athena witnessed Gilgamesh’s distress over failing to secure immortality, tears welled up in her eyes.

“I know your desires, my dearest Gilgamesh,” she said, her voice tinged with sorrow. “But you must trust me when I say that death is a blessing. For those chosen few who are granted it, there comes relief from the burdens of this world and entry into realms beyond imagining. Death may seem cruel to you now, but ultimately, it offers peace and solace beyond measure.”

After several moments of silence, Gilgamesh said “I understand your reasons,” he said, attempting to keep any frustration from his tone. “But can you not see through my eyes? You, who claim to cherish me above others… Why must I leave this world, knowing there are still things left incomplete?” “That said, I thank you for the gift of friendship, for showing me that even the Barbelos can care deeply for mortal creatures. Your actions mean infinitely more to me than anything else”

Athena said β€œThis thirst for purpose defines heroes, who stand apart from mere mortals caught up in petty troubles. Only through pushing boundaries and courting risk can true significance be achieved. Embrace the journey, rather than fixating on reaching some distant promised land or fleeting fame.”

Gilgamesh listened intently, considering her words. After a few moments, he spoke softly: “You speak of contentment born from acceptance. Of peace but that time has not yet come,i have a society to build.”

Determined to prove his worthiness to regain his divine powers, Gilgamesh proposed to undertake a series of tasks designed by the gods themselves. Athena agreed to this idea and helped craft a set of twenty challenges for Gilgamesh to face. She explained each task to him and emphasized the need for him to approach them with maturity and wisdom gained from his past encounters.

Gilgamesh eagerly accepted the challenge and prepared himself for the trials ahead. Here is a list of the twenty tests he faced:

    1. Create new life solely out of raw elements like dirt, clay, air, fire, and water. Ensure this being possesses sentience, free will, diverse abilities, a unique personality, purpose, instincts, and emotions comparable to other living species. Balance its role and impact within existing ecosystems.

    2. Build an underwater structure using prehistoric methods capable of withstanding ocean currents, sea creatures, corrosion, and pressure variations. Complete it without specialized equipment.

    3. Once finished, navigate deep into unknown waters and locate hidden caverns or sunken ruins containing treasures or mysterious artifacts lost beneath the waves. Return safely before running out of breath or exhausting resources.

    4. Change the properties of physical objects instantly to suit particular circumstances – make iron float like straw, transmute lead into gold, cause silk ropes to turn rock solid, turn fire into ice, make glass shatterproof, transform liquids into solids mid-air. No magic spells allowed, achieve all transformations via mental power, gestures, vocal commands, or touch alone. Verify changes occur reliably and persist permanently.

    5. Generate music directly from one’s soul that resonates deeply in listeners, transcending culture, personal preferences, and psychological dispositions. Compose melodies that heal diseases, inspire love, evoke laughter, spark compassion, instill courage, encourage peaceful resolution, summon joyous celebrations, bring people together, promote humility, nurture wisdom, express gratitude, foster self-awareness, and ignite hope. Artist must play the instruments personally while radiating this intangible essence. People affected report feeling the intended emotional responses physiologically and behaving accordingly, experiencing lasting benefits.

    6. Construct a towering, gravity-defying structure made entirely of crystal that refracts, reflects, absorbs, or manipulates light without damaging adjacent structures or inhabitants. The edifice must operate autonomously according to complex algorithms adjusting the geometry of its facets based on celestial movements, atmospheric conditions, and time cycles. Prevent harmful effects caused by intense illumination, laser-like concentrations, distorted perspectives, or unexpected lensing throughout surrounding neighborhoods. Demonstrate mastery over the material properties of crystal to maintain structural integrity and prevent optical phenomenons causing disorientation or confusion for observers.

    7. Control natural weather patterns selectively without resorting to sorcery.

    8. Hold your breath indefinitely while performing strenuous activities such as swimming against powerful currents, lifting heavy weights, climbing steep inclines, sprinting at top speed, scaling tall buildings, navigating through dangerous environments, evading predators, and escaping perilous situations. Maintain full cognitive function, muscle strength, and endurance levels during the entire duration of extended apnoea.

    9. Instantly regenerate severed body parts or destroyed organs regardless of degree, extent, and type of injury inflicted upon you. Restore missing limbs or organ functions without scarring, deformity, pain, rejection episodes, or lingering health concerns despite trauma infliction methodology. This ability would allow you to recover quickly from seemingly fatal injuries suffered in battle, accidents, animal attacks, medical malpractice, or industrial catastrophes.

    10. Perfectly predict future decisions made by sentient beings and anticipate their resulting consequences based solely on available data, current trends, prior experiences, and logical reasoning. Navigate successfully around interpersonal conflicts, miscommunications, chance occurrences, sudden changes in behavior or environment, and emerging new technologies while minimizing any negative impact on yourself or others. Display exceptional decision making abilities under varying pressures, unknown variables, limited options, ethical dilemmas, or competing interests to ensure favorable results.

    11. Master instantaneous learning and total recall across all areas of knowledge, skills, languages, art forms, histories, scientific disciplines, etc., regardless of complexity, depth, organization, or novelty. Quickly synthesize relevant information from multiple sources, identify underlying connections, recognize recurring themes or anomalies, apply insights creatively, teach others effortlessly, and retain information perpetually without errors or forgetfulness. Remain curious and open to exploration while avoiding pitfalls of intellectual arrogance or tunnel vision.

    12. Communicate ideas seamlessly without speaking, transfer information between individuals directly, synchronize thoughts among groups.

    13. Discover the location of Atlantis.

    14. Destroy Valhalla.

  15. Kill an Immortal.

    16. Balance ten polished stones of varying shapes and sizes on top of one another without utilizing any additional materials such as adhesives, stands, or supports.

    17. Hunt a dragon and retrieve one of its teeth without killing it.

    18. Help children learn how important their education is by visiting schools throughout your kingdom. Encourage students, listen intently, and offer guidance to inspire lifelong learning. Your actions now shape minds determining destiny, guiding brighter futures, and contributing positive impacts remembered forever.

    19. Prevent food waste at markets. If any vendor insists on throwing away perfectly edible produce, find ways to redirect those items before they spoil, such as donating surplus inventory to the needy, discovering alternative uses for scraps, teaching sustainability tips, or implementing innovative methods reducing excess stock altogether. Balancing resources effectively helps preserve the environment for posterity while embracing practical wisdom benefiting local inhabitants.

    20. Create a better society, Start by sponsoring artisans skilled in crafting intricate textiles to establish clothing workshops providing jobs for locals, especially female weavers and tailors, to fashion modest garments suitable for everyday wear. Organize cultural events featuring live music performances celebrating traditional songs, poetry readings, and storytelling focused on appreciating human diversity to foster greater mutual understanding among different groups. Stress the value of decorum, privacy, and respect for others, even during social gatherings where alcohol may be present.

β€œif you do the last trial,you can ignore the other ones” she said.

Utnapishtim who was also there said β€œcould I help the king? Or he must do these trials alone?”

Athena looked on him and said β€œI never said that he cant ask for help,but what kind of Immortal King would that make him?”

Gilgamesh said nothing and went out to complete the trials,Gilgamesh spent approximately two years attempting the challenges but ultimately did not succeed.


Finally, he returned home to Uruk, where he found Merlin Barbelo fucking Hexate Barbelo in his chambers. Filled with rage, he used his god-killer sword to attack Merlin.

The Great Will, witnessing Gilgamesh’s wrath, intervened and took all the Barbelos back to the Palace of Barbelo.

And thus, the War of Human Liberation drew to a close after 20,000 years of bloodshed and struggle. The heroes who fought valiantly alongside humans were hailed as saviors, remembered through time and tales. Their sacrifices paved the way for a future without oppressive gods interfering in daily life, giving hope for a brighter tomorrow.

The Barbelos found themselves cast off from the world and focused on self-preservation within the Palace of Barbelo. This served as a constant reminder to humankind that even those holding great power can fall should they abuse it.

Yet the memories of those darker days would forever haunt humanity, leaving scars upon its collective psyche. The tales of these events would inspire generations to come, teaching valuable lessons about the dangers of absolute power and the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs.

Gilgamesh became a symbol of hope in a changing world.

in the year 2123 BCE, Gilgamesh sent Papazeh to the Minoan Empire to take back Afrodite. But she declined to return, as she had become the queen of the Minoans after the removal of Minoa’s Barbelo from the Great Will.


In the year 2094 BCE, Gilgamesh died from old age, Upon his deathbed, Gilgamesh chose his son, Aaron, as his successor, granting him the throne of Babylon.

King Aaron inherited his father’s drive for innovation and societal betterment, dedicating himself to continuing the work started by his predecessors. Under Aaron’s rule, Babylonian civilization reached unprecedented heights of achievement in fields ranging from astronomy to mathematics, literature to architecture.

Though many believed Gilgamesh to be a god among men, his death proved his ultimate humanity. However, he remains enshrined in legend for generations to come, celebrated for his bravery, intelligence, and compassion. From ancient Mesopotamia to present day, the name of Gilgamesh echoes throughout history as a testament to the potential lying within each person — an ideal worth striving towards, whether real or imaginary.

The world went on, and generations passed, but the legacy of Gilgamesh and his unbreakable spirit lived on. People remembered the epic adventures he had with Enkidu, his desire for power and glory, and the ultimately bitter price he paid for his pride.

So it goes – the world we live in may not be perfect, but it is ours. And that is what gives it its worth.

As King ,Gilgamesh,brought peace to Humanity, and the people revered the legendary king for all eternity. And thus, the mythology and history of Babylon was forever changed by the heroics of Gilgamesh.

With reverence and determination, humanity must remember and build upon the lessons imparted by the life of Gilgamesh and the other heroes. Through his journey, he demonstrated the importance of introspection and self-improvement. Indeed, this constant evolution of mindset and character forms the foundation of genuine progress and societal advancement.

Let future leaders follow the example set by King Gilgamesh, who recognized the inherent power in his fellow mankind — the ability to overcome adversities, bridge divides, and create enduring legacies built on principles of justice, compassion, and ingenuity. May these truths permeate the fabric of society, leading us toward a future where the diverse tapestry of the human family stands.

The Power of Thy Sword

The Song of Manowar was written in Gilgamesh honor

The Power of Thy Sword of the Album β€œThe Triumph of Steel”

β„— 1992 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc.

says… :

Lord of battle I pray on bended knee

Conquest by the rising sun

I’ll wait for thy command with flame and blood at hand

Glory and a broken sword

I’m the master of the world I have no fear of man or beast

Born inside the soul of the world

Riding hard, breaking bone with steel and stone

Eternal might I was born to wield

Let us drink to the battles we’ve lived and we’ve fought

Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought

Great heroes charge into the fight

From the north to the south in the black of night

             The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall

             Gods of war feel the power of my sword

Drink to the battles we’ve lived and we’ve fought

Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought

Great heroes charge into the fight

From the north to the south in the black of night

Fierce is my blade, fierce is my hate

Born to die in battle, I laugh at my fate

Now pay in blood when your blood has been spilled

You’re never forgiven death is fulfilled

The clash of honor calls

I will stand when others fall

Open magic doors

They will know the power of my sword

There is blood in my hands there is blood in my eyes

With blood in my voice I scream as you die

Thirsting for vengeance and mounds of the slain

Shaking the forest onto the plain

They will know the power of my sword

Writer’s note

Next to King Gilgamesh everyone else is worthless. you my dear reader have freedom to build or destroy the world because Gilgamesh gave it to you.

Thank you.

– Morgana Lefay.

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