
Nationalism is an ideology that, while sharing some similarities with patriotism, is exclusive, xenophobic, and Fascist.

Unlike patriotism, which celebrates the love for one’s country and its values while respecting diversity, nationalism prioritizes the identity of one’s nation above all others.

It can lead to the belief of Nazism, the belief that one’s culture, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others. This can result in crimes or even wars.

Nationalism is based on xenophobia, which is a fear or hatred of foreigners or people from other cultures. Racism can result in strict immigration policies and the rejection of refugees or immigrants.

Supporter of US President Donald Trump protest in the US Capitol Rotunda on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. with Second Confederate Flag – Flag of Nationalism

In the majority of cases, nationalist ideologies can be associated with authoritarian or dictatorial regimes that suppress dissent and limit individual freedoms in the name of national unity.

Nationalism is not patriotism.

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