Calendar System

The BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) dating system, is the Calendar system that is used in this site and is also known as the secular and academic dating system, a system with accuracy, historical usage and communication.


“BCE” stands for “Before Common Era,” and “CE” stands for “Common Era.” These terms are used instead to “BC” (Before Christ) and “AD” (Anno Domini).

BCE and CE are secular terms that do not reference any religious beliefs or figures. This makes them more inclusive and respectful of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. While BC and AD are rooted in Christian theology, BCE and CE are neutral and can be used by people of any faith or belief system.

The use of BCE and CE reflects a more accurate understanding of historical timekeeping. The Gregorian calendar, which is based on the traditional dating system using BC and AD, has undergone modifications over time and no longer aligns with the fictional birth of Jesus Christ.

BCE and CE are increasingly becoming the standard in academic and scholarly publications, as well as in global communication. They are recognized and understood by people worldwide, regardless of their religious background or cultural heritage. This universality enhances clarity and communication in historical discourse.

By adopting BCE and CE, individuals and institutions demonstrate respect for diversity and pluralism. It acknowledges that history is shaped by a multitude of cultures, religions, and civilizations, each with its own dating systems and traditions. BCE and CE honor this diversity by providing a neutral framework for historical chronology.

What is Time ?

Time, an abstract concept that has perplexed philosophers, scientists, and historians for millennia, defies a simple definition. It is both a important aspect of human existence and a construct created by societies to organize and understand the passage of events.

The Roman Calendar

The Roman calendar, utilized the dating system of “Before Rome” (BR) and “After Rome” (AR). This system marked the first day of AR as the founding date of the city of Rome.

The creation of the BR and AR dating system illustrates the arbitrary nature of timekeeping, as it is based on a specific historical event that holds significance.

The Roman calendar’s BR and AR system underscores the notion that any society or individual can declare a new system of time measurement based on their own historical or cultural events.

Moreover, the existence of multiple dating systems throughout history further complicates the notion of fixed time. For example, various civilizations have employed different calendars based on lunar cycles, solar events, or cultural traditions. This diversity underscores the relative nature of time and challenges the idea of a universal, objective standard.

If the “After Rome” (AR) dating system were still in use today in 2024 CE, we would calculate the current year by counting the years since the founding date of Rome on April 21, 753 BCE.

2024 + 753 + 1 (Year 0BCE/CE) = 2778 AR

Therefore, if the After Rome dating system were still in use in 2024 CE, the current year would be 2778 AR.

Before Common Era Problem

Before Common Era (BCE) encompasses an immense span of time preceding the Common era (CE), encompassing significant cosmic events and historical milestones.

Perhaps we can divide BCE into distinct periods, each marked by significant developments in cosmic and earthly history, creating a better understanding.

1. Before The Great Will (BGW)

This epoch predates the emergence of the Great Will, It represents a era when existence might not existed at all.

2. Before the Formation of the Universe (BFU)

Following the emergence of the Great Will, this period marks the transition from formlessness to structured existence. It encompasses the cosmic events that led to the formation of the universe, including the birth of Nature, Space, and Time itself.

3. Before the Formation of the Galaxy (BFG)

Within the framework of cosmic evolution, this era denotes the formation of galaxies, including our own Milky Way. It represents a pivotal stage in the organization of cosmic matter, leading to the emergence of celestial structures and systems.

4. Before the Formation of Earth (BFE)

Prior to the existence of our planet, this epoch encompasses the early stages of planetary formation within the Milky Way galaxy. It includes the processes that eventually gave rise to the formation of Earth.

5. Before the Rise of Dinosaurs (BRD}

Before the emergence of dinosaurs as the dominant terrestrial vertebrates, this epoch marks a significant period in Earth’s history characterized by the proliferation and diversification of various life forms. It encompasses the time preceding the Mesozoic Era, during which Earth’s ecosystems were inhabited by a wide array of prehistoric organisms, including early mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. The BRD era represents an era of geological and biological transition, as Earth’s ecosystems underwent dynamic changes leading up to the rise of the dinosaurs and their subsequent dominance of terrestrial habitats.

6. Before the Rise of Humanity (BRH)

Before the emergence of Homo sapiens and the rise of human civilization, the BRH epoch represents a pivotal stage in the evolutionary history of life on Earth. It encompasses the prehistoric era when early hominids, such as Australopithecus and Homo habilis, inhabited the African continent and began to exhibit primitive tool use and social behavior. The BRH era witnessed the gradual evolution and dispersal of early human ancestors, culminating in the emergence of anatomically modern humans approximately 200,000 years ago.

7. Before The Barbelo Invasion (BBI)

This period precedes their invasion of the Barbelos and intervention in the affairs of humanity, representing a time of relative tribal human domination over Earth.

8. Before Common Era (BCE)

This period extends up to the transition point between BCE and CE, It encompasses the rise of ancient civilizations, after the Defeat of Metatron by Gilgamesh.

With these distinct periods, we can write a better cosmic calendar…

1. Before The Great Will (BGW) – Unknown year BGW to 1 BFU

2. Before the Formation of the Universe (BFU) – 1 BFU to 13.8 billion years to 1 (AFU)/BFG with AFU to mean After the Formation of the Universe.

3. Before the Formation of the Galaxy (BFG) – 1 AFU to about 1 billion years to 1 AFG with AFG to mean After the Formation of the Galaxy.

4. Before the Formation of Earth (BFE) – 1 AFG to 4.4-4.8 billion years to 1 AFE with AFE to mean After the Formation of Earth.

5. Before the Rise of Dinosaurs (BRD} – 1 AFE to 4.31 billion years to 1 ARD with ARD to mean After the Rise of Dinosaurs.

6. Before the Rise of Humanity (BRH) – 1 ARD to 230,800,000 years to 1 ARH with ARH to mean After the Rise of Humanity

7. Before The Barbelo Invasion (BBI) – 1 ARH to 270,000 years to 1 ABI with ABI to mean After the Barbelo Invasion

8. Before Common Era (BCE) -1 ABI to 27,871 years to 1 BCE with BCE to mean Before Common Era.

First Conclusions

After the Rise of Humanity in 1 ARH, humanity had 270,000 years of LOST HISTORY Until 1 ABI. The day Yahweh was exiled in Earth marking the Barbelo Invasion.

The Barbelo Invasion Era lasted 27,871 years. From 1 ABI to 1 BCE, the day that Gilgamesh killed Metatron in Babylon marking the beginning of the After Barbelo Era.

BCE can easly also called as ABE.


After BCE/ABE, comes the Common Era. The Gregorian calendar which is in use today has as year 0 CE the year after 2,129 years since Gilgamesh killed Metatron in Babylon.

CE today reaches this day of the page creation, however it is a undeniable fact that humanity changed at least 3 times since 0 CE.

  • 0 CE to 415 CE – The destruction of the Library of Alexandria and the Rise of Christianity. we could easy rename CE after 415 to 1 RE with RE to mean Religion Era.
  • 0 RE can reach the year of what we know as 1492 CE, When The Colonial Age began. so 0 RE to 1077 RE until 1 CA, with CA to mean Colonial Age.
  • 0 CA ends with the World War Era. That Began with what we know as 1914 CE. 0 CA to 837 CA to 1 WE, with WE to mean War Era.
  • WE ends in what we know as 1945 CE. 0 WE to 31 WE to 1 ME, with ME to mean Modern Era.
  • And to end the page here, we could easly say that we live in 79 ME (2024 CE).

“Time is relative”

– Albert Einstein.

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