
In 1558 BCE With the support of their loyal followers, Redora and Deralia successfully established a new kingdom, known as “Deralia,” with Deralia herself assuming the mantle of queen.


1558 BCE – 515 BCE

Preceded by

Amazonian Empire

Succeeded by

Queen Deralia, by Pierre-Eugene-Emile Hebert, 1860, bronze. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. <- Stolen Statue, it was given as a gift to the Ottoman Empire, It Belongs to Armenia.

Peace (1558-1518 BCE)

After establishing the kingdom of Deralia, Queen Deralia and her sister Redora focused on consolidating their power and building strong alliances with neighboring regions.

Deralia establishes trade routes with nearby kingdoms, fostering positive diplomatic relations and enriching the nation’s resources.

With peace prevailing, the Deralian society experiences a cultural renaissance. Art, literature, and philosophy flourish, attracting scholars and artists from neighboring lands.

In line with expansion, Deralia establishes new settlements and encourages population growth. These colonies contribute to the kingdom’s prosperity.

Rebellion of Thracian and Dacian Warlords (1518 BCE)

Over time, some Thracian and Dacian warlords become resentful of Deralia’s rule and the perceived loss of their own power. They secretly forged alliances with other discontented factions, seeking to challenge Deralia’s dominance.

In 1518 BCE, the Thracian and Dacian warlords openly declared rebellion against Deralia’s rule, claiming that their independence was at stake.

The rebels launched surprise attacks on Deralian settlements and border regions, catching the Deralian forces off guard. The rebel forces managed to capture Deralian territories, causing instability and fear among the population.

Queen Deralia responded swiftly, rallying her loyal forces and devising a strategic counterattack to regain lost territories. Fierce battles ensue between the Deralian forces and the rebel alliance. The conflict spreads across the region, causing widespread disruption.

The conflict takes a toll on both sides, with acts of heroism, sacrifice, and determination on display. Despite the Amazons’ efforts, the rebellion becomes increasingly difficult to contain. The warlords’ forces gained momentum, leading to a decisive battle where Deralia’s forces were defeated by the Thracian warlord known as Evros. (the location of the battle took his name,Today Evros is a large region in North-eastern Greece)


The rebellion ended the Amazon reign and the fall of the Deralian kingdom. Some Amazons fleed to into Athens, some north in ancient ukraine but many went east and blended with the kaskian people.

it is said by Aristoteles that Evros binded in his horse the dead body of Queen Deralia with rope and he traveled back to his castle after 10 kms of distance. However this claim was made 1,000 and more years after the battle, proving the only truth of this claim to be Makedonian Propaganda to serve the “Barbarian” title.

Information is missing

Back in 1,500’s BCE, Historians were not in every corner, in fact in that time only Babylon had historians. the only source about those times are the immortals who were alive at these time like Achilles.

However,their focus was not to record the events but to add pleasure and meaning in their life.

Achilles sais the following about the Dacian Empire. had fallen in about 1,300’s BCE from the attack of Lilith Demons.
in about 1,500 BCE, Lamia’s, traveled in the Balkan area, They helped the Dacian Warlords against the the Zmey dragon’s which it was said that a man who eats a Zmey’s heart will gain superhuman strength and many other abilities.

It’s also claimed that brave warriors and champions have fought lamyas, but that it was very hard to kill them as all its heads needed to be severed in order to kill it.

Haemus changed the empire into his Thracian kingdom in about 1,400 BCE.

Then the demons Halas (or Alas) invaded the balkan region, causing troubles to people, it’s said that sometimes they even ate children, and on days when it was really hungry.

However, King Rhesus of Thrace, who died in the Trojan war, killed all the Hala’s.
in 1,171 BCE, Achilles Chosen Thera for Capital of the new Kingdom of Thera. who was Euryale with new name.

Until 1,155 BCE, Thera helped the Giant King of Thrace Diomedes, defeat the Baba Yaga and Torbalan demons who were snatching children away and taking them to their cave’s to eat them.

in 1,155 BCE, Achilles ended the Kingdom of Thera giving rise to the Greek New World,

Bezrael Barbelo

in 970 BCE, Penthilus led a colony of Aeolians to Thrace to capture it for the new Mycenaean Empire but got killed by Bezrael Barbelo who was in secret came to earth to kill king Solomon.

Bezrael sent Chuma’s and Samodiva’s to Balkan regions,Greece,Italy and Ancient Germany.

The Chuma’s were demons with long arms and bony hands. the Samovila’s, were very beautiful demons, If a man looked at a samodiva, he’d fall in love with it right away, and if a woman saw one, she would take her own life.

But unlike the Chuma’s, the Samodiva’s, weren’t bad, as they joined humanity against the Chuma’s.

King Charnabon and the samodiva demons cleared the Balkan region from the demons, the last of the samodivas were pregnant by Dacian and Thracian warriors but they were unable to give birth and died, King Charnabon seperated the power into 2 kingdoms in about 930 BCE.

The Getae

Persian Invasion

As the 9th century BCE gave way to the 8th century BCE, the intricate geopolitical dance of power continued across the Balkans and beyond. Meanwhile, The Persian Empire, with its expanding ambitions, cast its gaze towards the western reaches of the continent. The Balkan kingdoms faced a daunting and looming threat as the Persians sought to extend their dominion.

In the mid-6th century BCE, the Persian Empire, under the rule of Cyrus the Great, undertook a series of military campaigns to assert its control over vast territories. The Balkans, with its rich resources and strategic significance, could not escape the attention of the Persian leaders.

Reports from the era speak of diplomatic envoys sent by the Getae and Sapeia to the Persian court. These exchanges were marked by cautious diplomacy, as the Balkan leaders sought to gauge the intentions of the Persian Empire.

By the late 6th century BCE, the Balkans found themselves entangled in the escalating power struggles of the Persian Empire and its rivals. The uneasy peace that had settled over the region was shattered by the Persian forces’ advance into Thrace.

The Getae and Sapeia kingdoms faced a dire choice: resist the might of the Persian Empire or navigate a delicate path of cooperation.

The Persians marched on the Balkan kingdoms in 515 BCE. Makedonia Surrendered and joined the Persian Empire, Sapeia and Derrone either surrendered either captured.

The Scythian campaign of Darius I conquered the Getae. speading chaos in the Balkan Region, with many people migrate north to escape the war.

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