Mycenae Empire

in 1,590 BCE General Perseus Named himself King of Mycenae.
Periphas was named himself King of Athens.


1,590 – 1,177 BCE

Preceded by

Eleytheron koiladaes

Succeeded by

Statue in Florence,Italy of Perseus with the Head of Medusa. Created by Benvenuto Cellini.


1,580 BCE

King Polydectes of Seriphus wanted to marry Perseus’s mother Danae and his Daughter Medusa wanted to marry Perseus.

King Polydectes traveled to Phorcys a land with no kings ruled by the Mages of Cavii and he asked the mage Stheno to turn Perseus in to a Gorgon beast. (one of the demons of Lilith Barbelo who died in Babylon wars)  , she asked blood of a beautiful maiden to make the spell .

1,578 BCE


King Polydectes Returned to Phorchys with his Daughter and ordered Medusa to give her blood to Stheno for the ritual but the spell failed and Medusa’s beautiful hair turned into horrible snakes.

Medusa was transformed into a Gorgon Beast and Stheno was turned to a stone statue when Medusa looked at her.

The Mages fought Medusa but they was all turned to stone. King Polydectes escaped.


King Polydectes arrived in Mycenae and asked King Perseus to Kill Medusa.

Perseus took 400 men and went to Athens alongside with King Polydectes  and they asked King Periphas for Help.

Periphas gave them 100 men and they began their quest to kill Medusa.


The two Kings with 500 men arrive in the Lake and battled Medusa.

Perseus was the only survivor.


Perseus returned to Mycenae with the Gorgon’s head and taken the nickname “Warrior of Ice” he found that, in his absence, his mother was taken by Polydectes to Seriphos.

Perseus was outraged took a ship alone and went to the island and strode into the throne room where Polydectes and other nobles were convening. Polydectes was surprised that the hero was still alive and refused to believe Perseus had slay the Gorgon Medusa, and as proof Perseus revealed her severed head. When Polydectes and his nobles gazed upon the prize, they were then turned to solid stone.

Perseus he then took a map and painted a line from  Phorchys to Seriphos and a circle around Peloponnese and named it Mycenaean Empire. he took the head of Medusa and turned it to look a mirror and the head turned into stone.

Perseus Returned to Mycenae and place the stoned head in his palace next to his throne.


Perseus send messengers to Athens and Larissa to surrender into the Mycenae Empire. Periphas was died days before the messenger arrived to Athens and the New King of Athens Ogyges son of Periphas was in the Ectenes when the messenger arrived Lake Copais, a large lake in the center of Boeotia was created when the ice melted and a flood associated began in the Ectenes and King Ogyges was there with his army to help the people.

The Messenger went there and delivered Perseus Message. Ogyges Surrendered Athens to the Empire. But Larissa did not surrendered King Teutamides Raged a war against Mycenae.

1,577 BCE

King Teutamides’s war against Mycenae ended with his Death.

Perseus named Actaion after his General Actaion and named the Phoenician letters from Actaion’s daughter Phoenice who both died in the battle.

Actaeus who was son of Actaion was named Prince of Athens.

Perseus created and gave the kingdom to Megapenthes to Prince Proetus.

Later Perseus went to Delphi and created a Temple there in Medusa’s name.

Afrodite was very gentle with him.


1,577 – 1,280 BCE No Events Years of Peace.

List of Mycenaean Kings.

  • Perseus (1,590 – 1,571) Perseus died from fever at old age
  • Proetus (1,571 – 1,562)
  • Broteas (1,562 – 1,503)
  • Tantalus (1,503 – 1,455)
  • Palops (1,455 – 1,401)
  • Pittheus (1,401 – 1,382)
  • Sthenelus (1,382 – 1,338)
  • Palops II (1,338 – 1,300)
  • Thyestes(1,300 – 1,280)
  • Atreus (1,280)

List of Athenian Prince’s.

  • Actaion (1,577 – 1,556)
  • Cecrops (1,556 – 1,506)
  • Cranaus (1506–1497)
  • Amphictyon (1497–1487)
  • Erichthonius (1487–1437)
  • Pandion (1437–1397)
  • Erechtheus (1397–1347)
  • Peteus (1307–1282)  
  • Orneus (1282–1234)
  • Menestheus (1234–1183)

Power & Glory

1,280 BCE

King Atreus learned of Thyestes’ and Aerope’s plotted to kill him,  He then killed Thyestes’ sons and cooked them, save their hands and feet. He tricked Thyestes into eating the flesh of his own sons and then taunted him with their hands and feet. Thyestes was forced into exile for eating the flesh of a human. Thyestes responded by asking an oracle what to do, who advised him to have a son by his daughter, Pelopia, who would then kill Atreus.

1,270 BCE

when Aegisthus was first born, he was abandoned by his mother, who was ashamed of the incestuous act. A shepherd found the infant Aegisthus and gave him to Atreus, who raised him as his own son.

1,252 BCE

when Aegisthus entered adulthood Thyestes reveal the truth to Aegisthus, that he was both father and grandfather to the boy. Aegisthus then killed Atreus, although not before Atreus and Aerope had had two sons, Agamemnon and Menelaus, and a daughter Anaxibia and so Agamemnon was named King.

1,235 BCE

King Agamemnon married Clytemnestra, and Menelaus married Helen, her famously attractive sister.

Clytemnestra was the daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, the Prince and Princess of Sparta.

Helen was one of the many children born to the king and queen of Troy, Priam and Hecuba.

Helen was twin sister of Cassandra as well as sister to Hector and Paris.

1,231 BCE

Anaxibia married Strophius, the son of Crisus.

1,228 BCE

Agamemnon and Clytemnestra had four children: one son, Orestes, and three daughters, Iphigenia, Electra, and Chrysothemis. Menelaus succeeded Tyndareus in Sparta, while Agamemnon, with his brother’s assistance, drove out Aegisthus and Thyestes to recover his father’s kingdom. He extended his dominion by conquest and became the most powerful prince in Greece.

1,227 BCE

Agamemnon’s family history had been tarnished by murder, incest, and treachery, Orestes had raped Chrusothemis and later killed her , but Agamemnon atoned Orestes in the court of justice.

The Trojan War

1,225 BCE  Cassandra foresaw that Paris was in love with their sister Helen and if he goes to Sparta and brings Helen back as his wife, the arrival of Helen will spark War.

Despite her warning, Paris went to Sparta and returned with Helen. While the people of Troy rejoiced, Cassandra, angry with Helen’s arrival, furiously snatched away Helen’s golden veil and tore at her hair.

Agamemnon had send his daughter Iphigenia to Troy with the Mage Calchas to trade her as wife of Paris and take Helen Back.

1,224 BCE  Calchas Returned to Mycenae with Iphigenia’s head and a denial message from Paris.

Agamemnon found his excuse to rage a war against Troy a land who he wanted to use as Gold Mine and Trade.

Cassandra went to Hattusa to ask The Queen of Hittites Azola sister of Tudhaliya IV who was ruled in her brother’s side at that time for help against Mycenae however the Hittite army was small in numbers after the Defeat in Nihriya and Cassanda was forced to tell Azola that if they win over Mycenae she could take any land she wanted.

1,223 BCE  Agamemnon gathered the empire forces to sail for Troy. In order to recruit Odysseus, who was feigning madness so as to not have to go to war, sent Palamedes, who threatened to kill Odysseus’ infant son Telemachus. Odysseus was forced to stop acting mad in order to save his son and joined the war.

Preparing to depart from Aulis, a port in Boeotia,The Immortal warrior Achilles who had battled against the Barbelos joined Agamemnon with 1,000 men who was loyal only to him.

Late March of 1,223 BCE  The Mycenae Empire lands in Troy and the Trojan War had began.

Mycenae Empire had

  • 1186 pentekonters,1200 ships with 120 men each , a total force of 130,000 men.

Troy had

  • 50,000 men and the joined forces of Hittite army count about another 50,000 men.


April of 1,223 BCE  The Mycenae Empire cant destroy the gate , Troy’s Defense was so hard to defeat.

20 April of 1,223 BCE  Hector returns with help by Dardanians led by Aeneas, Zeleians, Adrasteians, Percotians, Pelasgians, Thracians, Ciconian spearmen, Paionian archers, Halizones, Mysians, Phrygians, Maeonians, Miletians, Lycians led by Sarpedon and Carians to defend Troy.

27 April of 1,223 BCE  Agamemnon and Achilles travel to Egypt to meet with Ramesses the Great (also known as Ozymandias which Queen Azola was his 2nd Wife) to ask for support. 10 year’s before his death Ramesses forged an alliance with Agamemnon .

Ramesses gave Agamemnon 200,000 men and send an other 200,000 to attack the Hittite Empire to force Azola to Abandon Troy.

May of 1,223 BCE  Agamemnon and Achilles Returned to Troy.

June of 1,223 BCE  Ramesses forces attacks the Hittite Empire.

July of 1,223 BCE  Azola was forced by the Attack to abadon Troy and goes to defend Hattusa.

Agamemnon demanded from Briseis, one of the warriors of Achilles to go in the front and strike now with Azola’s armies gone.

This created a rift between Achilles and Agamemnon, causing Achilles to withdraw from battle and refuse to fight. Agamemnon, knowing Achilles’s importance in winning the war against the Trojan Army, sent ambassadors begging for Achilles to return, offering him riches and the hand of his daughter in marriage. Achilles refused, only being spurred back into action when Patroclus (whom Achilles was in love with) was killed in battle by Hector.

Agamemnon reconciled with Achilles, giving him the offered rewards for returning to the war, before Achilles went out to turn back the Trojans and duel Hector. After Hector’s death, Agamemnon assisted Achilles in performing Patroclus’ funeral.

August of 1,223 BCE Agamemnon made games being held in Patroclus honor.

and volunteered for the javelin throwing contest,but his skill with the javelin was so well known that Achilles awarded him the prize without contest.

when the games ended the war continued, Agamemnon killed Antiphus and fifteen other Trojan soldiers.

the Trojans had fled to the walls.


January 1,222 BCE Troy was never completely besieged, Reinforcements continued to come until the very end. The Achaeans controlled only the entrance to the Dardanelles, and Troy and her allies controlled the shortest point at Abydos and Sestos and communicated with allies in Europe.

Achilles and Ajax were the most active of the Achaeans, leading separate armies to raid lands of Trojan allies.

Achilles conquered 11 cities and 12 islands. by the end of January.

February 1,222 BCE Agamemnon raided the land of Aeneas in the Troad region  also captured Lyrnassus, Pedasus, and many of the neighbouring cities, and killed Troilus, son of Priam.

July 1,222 BCE Agamemnon took Lesbos and Phocaea, then Colophon, and Smyrna by the end of the Year.

1,221 BCE Agamemnon took Clazomenae, and Cyme.

Odysseus took Aegialus and Tenos.

Achilles Took the so-called Hundred Cities then, in order, Adramytium and Side then Endium, and Linaeum, and Colone. He took also Hypoplacian Thebes and Lyrnessus, and further Antandrus, and many other cities.

Late November 1,221 BCE Odysseus was sent to Thrace to return with the amazon’s, but came back empty-handed. When scorned by Palamedes, Odysseus had never forgiven Palamedes for threatening the life of his son. In revenge, Odysseus conceived a plot where he killed Palamedes with Achilles sword. he returned to the camps and blamed Achilles for Palamedes Death. Achilles challenged Odysseus in a fight to the death but Agamemnon refused this because of his Immortality and choose to jail Odysseus.

Near the end of the third year since the landing, the Achaean army, tired from the fighting and from the lack of supplies, mutinied against their leaders and demanded to return to their homes. Achilles forced the army to stay.

End of Troy

January 1,220 BCE Diomedes killed the Trojan hero Pandaros and nearly killing Aeneas. The next day,the Trojans broke into the Achaean camp and were on the verge of setting fire to the Achaean ships. Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons, arrived the same day with her warriors.

While they were helping and saving the ships, Memnon of Ethiopia stepbrother of Priam killed Antilochus, who took one of Memnon’s blows to save his father Nestor. Achilles and Memnon then fought and he was slain by Achilles.

Achilles chased the Trojans to their city, which he entered. He killed Paris but Helen fooled him posing to be happy on Paris Death and lead Achilles outside the troy gates by holding his hand. when Achilles was out of the gate she kicked him in the face , ran inside troy and closed the gate.

after Achilles had failed Agamemnon and Menelaus was taken Odysseus of his jail and asked him for a plan.

This angers Ajax, driven to madness commits suicide. Agamemnon and Menelaus consider leaving Ajax’s body to rot, denying him a proper burial, but are convinced otherwise by Odysseus and Ajax’s half-brother Teucer.

Odysseus devised a plan. a giant hollow wooden horse, an animal that was sacred to the Trojans. with the inscription: “The Greeks dedicate this thank-offering to Athena for their return home”.

The hollow horse was filled with soldiers led by Odysseus. The rest of the army burned the camp and sailed for Tenedos.

When the Trojans discovered that the Greeks were gone, believing the war was over, they joyfully dragged the horse inside the city while they debated what to do with it. Some thought they ought to hurl it down from the rocks, others thought they should burn it, while others said they ought to dedicate it to Athena.

Both Cassandra and Laocoon warned against keeping the horse. The Trojans decided to keep the horse and turned to a night of mad revelry and celebration.

Sinon, an Achaean spy, signaled the fleet stationed at Tenedos when “it was midnight and the clear moon was rising”and the soldiers from inside the horse emerged and killed the guards.

The Mycenaean Empire Army entered the city and a great massacre followed which continued into the day.

The Mycenaeans left no survivors, burned the city and divided the spoils. Cassandra was awarded to Agamemnon. Neoptolemus got Andromache, wife of Hector, and Odysseus was given Hecuba, Priam’s wife.

The Achaeans threw Hector’s infant son Astyanax down from the walls of Troy to end the royal line, and the possibility of a son’s revenge. Achilles was took the remains of Troy to re-create the city for the empire.

Aethra one of Helen’s handmaids,was rescued by helen sons she made with Paris Demophon and Acamas.


After a stormy voyage, Agamemnon and Cassandra land in Argolis. Clytemnestra, Agamemnon’s wife, had taken Aegisthus, son of Thyestes, as a lover. When Agamemnon comes home he is slain by Aegisthus and Clytemnestra in his bath. Clytemnestra also kills Cassandra.

Aegisthus and Clytemnestra then rule the Mycenaean Empire.

1,219 BCE King Aegisthus claiming his right and exiles Odysseus and Atreus for their crimes in Troy.


1,204 BCE After growing to adulthood and being pressured by his sister Electra. Agamemnon’s son Orestes avenges his father’s murder, with the help or encouragement of his sister Electra, by murdering Aegisthus and Clytemnestra (his own mother).

1,203 BCE King Orestes ended the exile of both Odysseus and Atreus he send 10 messengers to south,North,east and west to find them.

1,202 BCE King Orestes married his Sister Electra . later his son Rothion is born.

1,201 BCE Pyrrha was born sister of Rothion. Atreus was found and Returned to Athens.

1,198 BCE Odysseus was found and Returns to Ithaca he finds that his wife Penelope who had to see her 21 year’s has remained faithful to him. She has devised tricks to delay the suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus’s elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Every night for three years, she undoes part of the shroud, until Melantho, a slave, discovers her chicanery and reveals it to the suitors. Odysseus then killed all the suitors and got a second chance in love with her beloved wife.

Telemachus (son of Odysseus and Penelope) was in Sparta when a messenger told him that his father returned home.

Telemachus returned home and on his arrival there, he found his father.

1,196 BCE Odysseus sent Telemachus away from Ithaca to Etruria to marry Polycaste, the daughter of Nestor and create a new city there.

1,195 BCE Perseptolis is born daughter of Telemachus and Polycaste who died in birth.

Telemachus married Cassiphone to have a second daughter Latinus and later a third daughter called Roma.

1,192 BCE Odysseus dies.

Revolution of the People

1,181 BCE Rothion steals Perseptolis and marries her.

Telemachus asked King Orestes to give Perseptolis back , Orestes killed Perseptolis took her head and sent it to Telemachus.

Telemachus began to gather an army to attack Argos. but the Trojan War shifted the cultural balance of Europe and the Near East.

The ties between the Classical Greeks might not have been strong enough however , Troy itself was a beautiful, well-built, with finely-made walls and topless towers with Gold Mines, and Trade.

And the army was Violent, greedy only interested in glory, loot, and slaves. burned this beautiful city to the ground just because it was so beautiful. Their viewpoint is the greater the thing they destroy the greater will be their glory.

Because of the Trojan War, the ancient Greeks started the discussion.

So what does it mean to be a human being? And furthermore, what does it mean to be a good human being? What human values are worthy of striving for? How should we face our deaths? When is it better to face death than to live a life that is somehow diminished?

that was a change of heart of the people lead to revolts and riots all over the so called Land of Freedom.

how we can be free when we have no value as human’s?

1,180 BCE Telemachus arrives in Etruria with his army from Clusium to gather more army men for his quest , The People of Etruria denied to join Telemachus and he ordered his army to kill them all and destroy Etruria.

This event outraged the people even more.. Ithaca was sieged by the people and the castle collapsed.

When Telemachus arrived in Phorcys to gather men for his army he found death by the Phorcys people.

1,179 BCE The People in Actaion, Pylos , Phthia , Delphi and Adrasteia overthrown the Princes and took over the Lands.

King Orestes defended Mycenae and Argos by executing all the young men of the two cities.

1,178 BCE king Šuppiluliuma II won a naval battle against Alashiya off the coast of Cyprus.

But the Assyrians, under Ashur-resh-ishi I had by this time annexed much Hittite and Trojan territory driving out and Captured Achilles from his new city on builds in Troy’s Location.

1,177 BCE The People had Created a New Kingdom with hopes to destroy Mycenae. The Euryale Kingdom. the first kingdom and maybe the only one in History or Future with a King of each City.

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