Eleytheron koiladaes

in 2,090 BCE Zhna and Corybas arrive in Knossos , Afrodite agreed to unite The Minoan Empire with Themiscyra against Lilith if Thebe accept Corybas as her King on the new Kingdom of Freedom known as Eleytheron koiladaes (Ελευθερων Κοιλαδαν – Ελ-λαδαν) meaning Land of Freedom.

2,090 -1,600 BCE

Timeline Order

Preceded by: Minoan Empire
Succeed by:

Freeland flag created by Afrodite

Minos War

In 2,089 BCE, Thebe and Corybas became the first Queen and King of Ellada (FreeLand). They joined forces with Babylon in the war against Lilith.

In 2,087 BCE: Ida, daughter of Corybas and Thebe, was born.

In 2,068 BCE: Ida married the demigod Lycastus.

In 2,065 BCE: Minos II was born, named after Lycastus’s father.

In 2,044 BCE: Pasiphae married Minos II and bore him many sons.

In 2,040 BCE: Prince Androgeus, son of Minos II, was born.

In 2,012 BCE: Prince Androgeus participated in the Panathenaic Games and was sent against the Marathonian Bull, a wild beast from Atlantis, resulting in his death.

Upon hearing of his son’s death, Minos, overcome by grief, led a war against Athens (a new city created to honor Athena Barbelo) to avenge Androgeus but failed to sack the city.

The city of Athens was struck with famine and pestilence. To end the war, the Athenians offered Minos anything he desired in retribution. Minos demanded that several youths be sent every nine years to be devoured by the last surviving Minotaur.

Afrodite then abandoned her place in Crete and went to live in Athens.


In 1,985 BCE When the time for the third sacrifice approached, the Athenian prince Theseus volunteered to slay Minotaur. He promised his father Aegeus King of Athens that he would change the somber black sail of the boat carrying the victims from Athens to Crete, and put up a white sail for his return journey if he was successful the crew would leave up the black sail if he was killed.

In Crete, Minos’ daughter Ariadne fell madly in love with Theseus and helped him navigate the Labyrinth with a ball of thread, allowing him to retrace his path.

Theseus killed the Minotaur with his bare hands and led the Athenians out of the Labyrinth, and they sailed with Ariadne away from Crete. On the way home, Theseus abandoned Ariadne on the island of Naxos and continued to Athens. The returning group neglected to replace the black sail with the promised white sail, and from his lookout on Cape Sounion, King Aegeus saw the black-sailed ship approach. Presuming his son dead, he killed himself by leaping into the sea (the sea named after him) His death secured the throne for Theseus.

After burying his father, Theseus celebrated the death of the Minotaur with the custom of boiling all sorts of pulse. a feast with food and dance.

Theseus now as the Second King of Athens instituted the Athenian festival of the Oschophoria.

in the days of Oschophoria festival the maiden women had the chance to pick any young men of any class by giving them warn baths and the men had to marry them.

1,984 BCE King Theseus conceived a wonderful design, and settled all the residents of Athens in one city. The common folk and the poor quickly answered to his summons. to the rich he promised parts of government.he named the city Athina, and gave a new meaning to his father’s Panathenaic festival. He instituted the Metoecia, or Festival of Settlement, on the sixteenth day of the month Hecatombaeon where the women could now to be part of the festival and sport games as equals with the men.

Zhna was named the first Athenian General of war and the Amazons was given positions in the new Army of Athina capital city of the state of Athens.

Pelops ruler of Isthmus brother of Aethra (daughter of Pittheus, as Alcmene was of Lysidice, and Lysidice and Pittheus were brother and sister, children of Hippodameia) married Sinis daughter, named Perigune. and created the kingdom of asparagus.

When king Theseus called upon them to make peace , Pelops send his General Melanippus with Deioneus. to kill Theseus.

Eurytus of the Oechalian, to whom Theseus had named third General of Athina Killed Deioneus and gave his head to Melanippus to gave back to Pelops with a message of Defeat.

Phea (a female robber, a woman of murderous and unbridled spirit) followed in secret General Melanippus in the forest of Athens outside the city and killed him , she stole the head of Deioneus and threw Melanippus to a cave for the wolves to eat.

Phea went on Megara mountains and sold the head in Sciron (Sciron was a son of Cychreus brother of Aethra) Sciron then tried to kill Phea and take his gold back but Phea killed him and wounded as she was she went to Asparagus to king Pelops she said to him that it was Theseus himself who killed them all three and she barely managed to escape.

Pelops made her General of his Army and send the Messenger Diocles to declare war at Athens.

1,984 BCE Late Summer

Theseus defeated Pelops and he Renamed Asparagus into Eleusis. After Killing Pelops Theseus acknowledged his glory and gave his name to the entire island and since then is known as Πελοπόννησος Peloponnese Meaning The Island of Pelops.

In Athina at Panathenaic festival. King Theseus he wrestled in the games and in the games he killed Cercyon the Arcadian , Damastes, surnamed Procrustes, Busiris, Antaeus , Cycnus, and killed Termerus by dashing in his skull.

Gabrielle from Potidaea killed Delpes at the women final combat games of Panathenaic and Theseus made her Captain of Athens army.


1,983 BCE Nisus of Megara went to Minos with 50 men and joined him for a plan of revenge against Athens.

Minos reached King Camicus of Sicily knowing that he will obey since Sicily was Minoan Land.

Camicus send his son Daedalus to Knossos to help Minos. But Daedalus trapped Minos in his bath, scalded him to death with boiling water. After his death, Daedalus killed Nisus with his hands and named himself new Emperor of Minoan Empire.

1,982 BCE Daedalus made peace with Athens.

Theseus built at Phalerum a temple of Scirus and created the festival of the Cybernesia celebrated in Scirus honor.

1,981 BCE Theseus went to the Delphinium, where he named as Neutral Kingdom after Phantes request to honor the Centaurs who gave their life in war against the Barbelos.

Delphinium became home to Mages and they created the Oracle of Delphi where the high sorceress used to command mages and teach them to keep world peace under the rule of Humanity but they swore to never take action in human war’s.

The Golden Fleece

1,980 BCE Afrodite went in Delphi to live and created the festival of Epitragia. Athamas the founder of Thessaly, but also king of the city of Orchomenus in Boeotia,took Nephele as his first wife. They had two children, the boy Phrixus and the girl Helle. Later Athamas became enamored of and married Ino, the daughter of Cadmus.

1,976 BCE Ino was jealous of her stepchildren and plotted their deaths Nephele’s children escaped on a ram over the sea, but Helle fell off and drowned in the strait now named after her, the Hellespont. The ram took the boy safely to Colchis (modern-day Georgia), on the easternmost shore of the Euxine (Black) Sea.

1,958 BCE Phrixus found and hung the Golden Fleece preserved from Hares Barbelo armor (is unclear how This fleece was preserved) Phrixus added a dragon to guard the Fleece. (is unclear how Phrixus managed to give orders to the Dragon ,but that is the story he did it somehow.maybe the dragon was scared of him because he had the Fleece).

1,957 BCE Jason, the commander of the Argonauts Pirates Found in a voyage into the Euxine Sea the Dragon Sleeping and Jason Stole the Fleece he then went to Nicaea and named himself king of the Amazons.

Theseus with the Amazons traveled the sea to defend Nicaea from Jason and the Argonauts.on this expedition three young men of Athens who were brothers, Euneos, Thoas, and Solois. This last, he says, fell in love with the Amazon Antiope she who positively repulsed the attempt upon her, but treated the matter with discretion and gentleness,then Solois, in despair, threw himself into the sea and drowned himself, and Theseus, when he learned the fate of the young man, and what had caused it, was grievously disturbed, and in his distress called to mind a certain oracle which he had once received at Delphi. For it had there been enjoined upon him by the Pythian priestess that when, in a strange land, he should be sorest vexed and full of sorrow, he should found a city there, and leave some of his followers to govern it.

For this cause he founded a city there, and called it Pythopolis, and the adjacent river, Solois, in honor of the young man. And he left there the brothers of Solois, to be the city’s presidents and law-givers, and with them Hermus, one of the noblemen of Athens.

1,956 BCE The war of the Amazons
Theseus came to the Cimmerian Bosporus, which they crossed on the ice.

This battle was fought on the day of the month Boedromion on which, down to the present time, the Athenians celebrate the Boedromia.

Zhna Killed Jason and took the Fleece to hide it in the east far far away (no one found it ever since not even myself or Richard who spend almost 50 years looking for it) (the fate of Zhna herself and of her companion Gabrielle are Unknown as well {the series Xena: Warrior Princess was created on their name and honor with hope that if they are outhere to reach-out but nothing yet 2022} they must be alive out somewhere)

Antiope was slain with a javelin by Molpadia, while fighting at Theseus’s side, and that the pillar which stands by the sanctuary of Olympian Earth was set up in her memory.

the war ended in a solemn treaty which is called Horcomosium,Thessaly was traversed by the Amazons without opposition, for Amazonian graves are to this day shown in the vicinity of Scotussa and Cynoscephalae.

Theseus married Phaedra .

Heracles married Periboea.

Athina at war

1,955 BCE when Peirithous was about to marry Deidameia, he asked Theseus to come to the wedding, and see the country, and become acquainted with the Iapithae. Theseus Denied because these had long been hostile to Athens. At first, they did no harm, but simply demanded back their sister Aphidnae. When, however, the people of the city replied that they neither had the girl nor knew where she had is, they resorted to war.

when the Lacedaemonians invaded Athens they was defeated in the battle.

Aethra, the mother of Theseus, who was taken captive at Aphidnae, was carried away to Lacedaemon. Theseus applied Lycomedes to talk about his demands. Lycomedes led him up to the high places of the land,threw him down the cliffs, and killed Theseus.

Athina Generals Raged a war against the Lacedaemonians.

1,954 BCE when the Athenians were consulting the oracle at Delphi, they were told by the Pythian priestess to take up the bones of Theseus, give them honorable burial at Athens, and guard them there. But it was difficult to find the grave and take up the bones, because of the inhospitable and savage nature of the clifs, who then inhabited the island. However the Athenians were delighted, and received them with splendid processions and sacrifices, as though Theseus himself were returning to his city. And now he lies buried in the heart of the city, near the present gymnasium.

1,953 BCE war ends with Athina Victorious Hippolytus son of Theseus was Named King.

The Lernaean Hydra

1,950 BCE Hippolytus who is disgusted by sex and marriage. In consequence , he had no son’s .

goes in a hunt and fall’s from his chariot and dies.

The Generals named Iolaus as new King of Athens Iolaus was the son of Iphicles and Megara, daughter of King Alcathous of Megara.

They had a daughter, Leipephilene.

1,940 BCE When Leipephilene reached 10 year’s old Iolaus with 200 men went in a adventure to find the Golden Fleece. and he never returned.

1,930 BCE When Leipephilene reached 20 year’s old she and General Artemios took 200 men in a adventure to find King Iolaus.

1,928 BCE Leipephilene Reached Argolid and she was defeated by The Lernaean Hydra Army. Cepheus king of The Lernaean Hydra took Leipephilene as his wife.

1,927 BCE General Artemios went back to Athens and reported Hydra’s attack. Athens sended Marius to his homeland in Corinth and take his men who was served at the Amazon War since Corinth is closer to Hydra and Return with Leipephilene or not Return at all.

1,926 BCE Captain Marius arrives in Hydra but Leipephilene now had two sons and Cepheus Demanded to be named King Of Athens.

1,925 BCE Cepheus named King Of Athens.

Peace – Thera Super Volcano

1,925 – 1,682 BCE no events

1,682 BCE Tros was son of General Erichthonius and Astyoche he taken 10 men went to the east of where the Argonauts Pirates once was and Created the kingdom of Troy, of which the city of Ilios, founded by his Brother Ilus.

1,680 BCE Troy had began to grow.

1,680 – 1,600 BCE no events

A catastrophic volcanic eruption devastated and destroyed the Minoan Empire , Athens and all states of the Land of Freedom.

Afrodite was Burned Alive to the point she was able to see her bones turn to dust 2 times because she is immortal.

the catastrophic event wasn’t end there for days earthquakes and tsunamis were spread all over the lands, nature destroyed in a few days almost everything.

1,590 BCE Perseus (General from Athens). Named himself King of Mycenae after the Volcanic eruption in the island of Thera , Ice was everywhere in the sea.

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