
Nasserism (Arabic: التيار الناصري at-Tayyār an-Nāṣirī) is an Arab political ideology based on the Ideas of Gamal Abdel Nasser.


This ideology focuses on the unity of Arab nations. It promotes solidarity among Arabic-speaking countries and the realization of a common Arab identity.

Nasserism, embrace the core of communism, such as collective ownership of the means of production, wealth redistribution, and social welfare programs. This ensures economic equality and social justice.

While integrating communism, maintain a strong sense of Arab patriotism, promoting cultural and linguistic unity among Arab nations, separation between religion and the state, a strong stance against imperialism, emphasizing independence from foreign influence and control. Extend solidarity and support to other communist and anti-imperialist movements around the world.

Nasserism supports land reform policies to redistribute agricultural land to peasants, socialist transformation and democracy of the working class.

This ideology advocates for the establishment of democratic mechanisms within socialist structures to ensure that workers have a say in economic decision-making and governance.

Nasserism supports cultural and linguistic unity among Arab nations, emphasizing the importance of preserving the Arabic language and heritage.


After Nasser’s death, many Arab leaders have adopted Nasserism during the 20th century, including Muammar Gaddafi and Yasser Arafat.

Nasserism gave birth to Ba’athist ideology which is a opposite ideology with a Nationalist view, created by Saddam Hussein and later adopted by Hafez al-Assad, Bashar al-Assad and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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